
Fairlawn, OH Office
83 North Miller Road, Suite 201,
Fairlawn, OH 44333
Cranberry Township, PA Office
2009 Mackenzie Way, Suite 260,
Cranberry Township, PA 16066
Columbus Office
3650 Olentangy River Rd
#450 Columbus, OH 43214

Auto insurance provides the coverage you need to be on the road.

Find out how auto insurance works to protect you and your vehicle on the road.

Get coverage to protect the vehicle you rely on.

Your car or truck is often your biggest asset aside from your home—we’ll help you get the insurance coverage you need at a price you can afford. Auto insurance helps to protect against potentially crippling financial losses and the sheer inconvenience of being without transportation.

What is the minimum coverage required?

Not all car insurance is created equal. Some auto insurance policies simply meet legal requirements. This means your insurance may cover the damage you cause to other cars in collisions. However, auto insurance in some no-fault regions may also cover your own car or truck. Additionally, the law usually states that policies must cover some medical bills that result from a car crash.

How does bodily injury liability cover you in a car accident?

If you are in an auto accident that involves injury to another person, bodily injury liability coverage helps cover your financial responsibility for any bodily injuries as a result of the accident, up to a selected limit.

What is uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage?

If an uninsured or underinsured motorist causes an auto accident, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage may compensate you for bodily injuries and lost wages.

Protect your vehicle with auto insurance add-ons.

Other auto insurance policies go further and protect your car or truck if it is stolen, damaged or destroyed by fire, or damaged in a car accident that doesn’t involve any other vehicles. You may also get policies that protect your car if it is damaged by an uninsured driver.

Are you looking for auto insurance to cover your car or truck? Contact Us to discuss coverage options.

Serving Over 20 States

We are proud to serve clients throughout Ohio, Pennsylvania, Columbus and over 20 other states from our offices in Fairlawn, OH, and Cranberry Township, PA.


Years Experience


Five-Star Reviews