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Distracted Driving Awareness

    This week we will be talking about the dangers and consequences of distracted driving. On January 1, 2009, the United States made it a law to prevent people from driving while on their cell phones.

    Distracted driving causes an average of 3,000 deaths per year, not accidents. On average there is about 280,000 injuries per year caused by distracted driving. Fatal crashes caused by distracted driving is the highest among ages 20 to 29-year-old drivers.

    As a business owner you need to make sure there are no distractions while your employees are behind the wheel. When an employee is in an accident while behind the wheel that could fall back on the company and that will result in lost revenue. Here are a few tips to help employers and employees who are operating company vehicles.


    • Set your phone on silent while driving
    • Keep your phone out of reach while you are driving
    • Implement an honor system inside of your company
    • Check your phone before you put your car into drive
    • Set your phone to only get calls while driving