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How to Prevent Workplace Sprains and Strains

    Construction work and the associated trades can sometimes be an athletic activity.  Activities that can lead to injuries if you are not careful.

    The most common cause of injury in the workplace is typically sprain and strains. These two injuries happen often when lifting items, contorting your body to fit into uncomfortable spaces, etc.  

    Some examples of the injuries that can happen can be muscle tears, over-exertion of the muscle, muscle strain, back injuries, and many more. A back injury is the hardest injury to live with, once you injure your back repeat injuries can result.

    The best prevention tip to avoiding sprains and strains is to be properly stretched and warmed up before starting the workday.

    Links that demonstrate proper stretching:

    Helpful tips and tricks for avoiding Sprains and Strains: 

    • Stretch before you start your day
    • Go into stretching with a relaxed and open mind
    • Drink lots of fluids, water especially
    • Don’t overstretch yourself, stretch to where it is comfortable, not painful
    • Do not bounce when you stretch, that can cause muscle strain
    • Breathe in a slow, normal rhythm. Do not hold your breath

    To best avoid strains and sprains follow these steps to relax your muscles before starting your workday.